High-Frequency Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensors

High-Frequency  Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensors

MS Tech developed a wide range of HF-QCM Sensors based on a multi-disciplinary approach that integrates: QCM technology, plasma etching, chemical coating, and deposition technologies, micro-mechanics, electronics, algorithms, and digital data processing.

The scientific development includes a large bank of thin chemical coatings (polymers and SAM›s) that can be applied on the active surface of HF-QCM Sensors. Each      of these coatings has a specific affinity to different substances and is designed to selectively interact with the target molecules

The sensors are formed in a patented Sensor Matrix structure that offers high sensitivity and selectivity to a wide range of molecules (See Figure 1). The sensitivity of an HF-QCM sensor is proportional to a square of the frequency of the quartz resonator and is defined by an expression, in which the sensor frequency change depends on the adsorbed mass as follows:

Δf = (-2.3 x 10-6) f2 ΔM/A,

*Where: Δf[Hz] – frequency change under the influence of adsorbed mass ΔM; F (Hz) – the resonance frequency of quartz sensor;

A (cm2) – electrodes area (two sides) of quartz sensor where is accumulate of adsorbed mass ΔM;